Treating Children with Hypnosis

Children are naturally imaginative they naturally and easily engage in hypnosis and respond really well to hypnotic suggestion for a wide variety of issues.

Sleep talk is a gentle, loving technique for your children, that only takes two minutes. When the child is in a certain sleep state using direct suggestion is part of the process, this technique is different to clinical hypnosis. Joane Goulding method, sleep talk will help parents to help there children to achieve love, confidence, motivation, self-esteem, confidence, and so many more positive suggestion’s and a variety issues.

  • Increased resilience.
  • Improved behavior, concentration and enjoyment of learning.
  • Improved health and well-being.
  • Better relationships with family, teachers and peers.
  • Greater achievement of potential.
  • Reduced anxiety.
  • Enhanced confidence to deal with peer group pressure and bullying.

If your child is presenting with Trauma and Anxiety there is probably a underlying cause that has been so pushed down into the subconscious that you are not aware of.

I use Hypno-Analysis it is the most powerful of all Hypnosis to uncover what is really going on. called the pinpoint method.

I have a high percentage rate of getting to the root cause. Once cleared you will feel a lot lighter and more aware and start to heal and it does not ever affect you negatively again

Hypnosis can be used to treat children suffering:

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