Trichotillomania Hypnotherapy Treatment

Utilising hypnosis for the treatment of trichotillomania is an clinically proven treatment option to addressing the underlying issues triggering the effects of the disorder. For people who pull their hair and pluck their eye brows, Clinical hypnotherapy has consistently proven to be a practical and effective method to putting trichotillomania sufferers  back in control of their bodies actions and remapping that behavior into more productive actions. 

With the help of a trained professional, we can develop individual ability that enable`s making desired changes in our thoughts, feelings and behaviors possible. For reasons that are as yet not clear, the focused state of hypnosis allows changes to intentionally be made automatically, changes that we could not ordinarily or consciously make. Hypnosis is used in treatment of pain control, depression, habit disorders and many more problems.

When we are hypnotized, an individual is very open to direct suggestion that can enhance positive and diminish negative physical reactions.

What is Trichotillomania?

The Uncontrollable And Unexplainable Impulse To Pull Out Your Hair

Many people play with their hair for a range of different reasons including boredom. But for sufferers of trichotillomania it goes beyond absent mindedly twirling a lock or a curl of hair . Based on data from the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), 4% of the population suffer from trichotillomania, a condition recognisable by the uncontrollable urge to tug hair out of the head, eyebrows, eyelashes and other parts of the body. Females are four times more than males to be affected by trichotillomania. As a result of this uncontrollable behavior most sufferers end up suffering hair thinning and bald patches. While hair eating is also common among people with this disorder, not every person will display these symptoms.

Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder which is often triggered or amplified by stress it is not the root cause of the disorder. They are not trying to injure or hurt themselves rather they are acting on an incontrollable impulse to do an action that is providing them with temporary relief much like a smoker gets off a cigarette.
Hair pulling can become associated with specific activities. We often find that such activities contribute to hypo-or hyperarousal. Many of our young clients have reported pulling while studying for an exam or other school work they find challenging. Other common reasons include feeling impatient
( Being placed on hold, Waiting for a reply to a Facebook message.) Being “bored” (understimulated) while watching netflix, lying in bed or trying to drift off to sleep

During the last Decade I have witnessed remarkable recoveries for clients experiencing TTM, Is it time for you or a loved one to shed the shackles of TTM?

Impact of TTM

TM is often associated with significant emotional, social, and medical problems. In addition to the time spent on hair pulling itself, many sufferers spend considerable time concealing large resultant bald areas (Swedo & Leonard, 1992), and experience guilt, shame, and low self-esteem (Diefenbach, Tolin, Hannan, Crocetto, & Worhunsky, 2005; Stanley & Mouton, 1996).

As a result of wanting to hide the hair loss, it is common to avoid activities where the hair loss might be noticed (e.g., swimming), and to avoid chances of physical contact with others (e.g., intimate relationships, sports) and, in more extreme cases, complete social isolation (Winchel, Jones, Molcho et al., 1992).

Because TTM usually strikes during sensitive developmental years, it can be especially disabling (Rothbaum & Ninan, 1994). 

Children and adolescents who develop TTM are often self-conscious of how they look and worry about others seeing their hair loss and in an effort to conceal their disorder will go to extreme lengths to avoid many activities that their friends and peers are doing and are common activates for children to do , and go to great lengths to avoid many typical.

This impacts their friends group, reduces social invitations and increases the feelings of isolation. Their existing guilt and embarrassment is further amplified when their peers notice the hair pulling.

Younger people are especially susceptible to receiving  negative comments from their friends and peers and the effects of both TTM are extremely hard for them.

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